Friday, September 21, 2012

Professionals who Play LP Aspire Congas

To know if a brand of instrument is worth choosing we sometimes turn to the professionals who play the brand to get an idea of who endorses them. If we were to cover the careers all music pros who use LP Aspire Congas in one writing, we’d have written a book in no time. LP Aspire Congas are the leading drum for professional conga players throughout many types of music, whether it be Latin, pop, rock, alternative, big band or disco. It is the case that lots of the times you have heard congas being played in modern music it is a LP Aspire that you are hearing, whether you knew it or not.

One of the most interesting places you will find LP Aspire Congas is in the drum kit of Stephen Perkins, drummer of alternative rock legends Jane’s Addiction. Recording with the Jane’s spinoff (headed by JA’s Perry Ferrell) “Porno for Pyros”, Perkins uses the LP Aspire Conga to attain a richer, more spiritual sound than the driving, head banging tornado he whips up behind the kit for Jane’s Addiction. He’s also recorded with other alternative luminaries like No Doubt and Nine Inch Nails, but a little known fact about Perkins is he runs drum circles for people with physical and mental challenges, drum camps for differently abled kids, and drum therapy for senior citizens.

Another rock drumming backbone, Kieth Carlock, is also a user of LP Aspire Congas. Having toured with many legendary bands including Steely Dan, Sting, pop idols Diana Ross and Clay Aiken, and country superstar Rascall Flatts. If you haven’t heard of him you should have – he was voted the number #1 Pop drummer, #1 Fusion drummer, and #1 Best All-Around drummer by the readers of Modern Drummer' Magazine in 2009, Carlock proves that LP Aspire Congas go everywhere with every type of music.

And, just to prove that concept, LP Asprie Congas even go to the Circus, or should we say Cirque. Kurt Rasmussen, the current percussionist for the fantastic Cirque Du Soliel production “O”, Rasmussen states that he has been blessed by a long and successful career as a percussionist and could not have done it without the support of LP”. Now, what finer testimony to the high quality and great sound of LP Aspire Congas could you possibly need? Rock on, dance on, jazz it up, and swing from the rafters with LP!

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